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My Story

Life is messy.  Transitions are even messier.  I should know.  I've lived most of them by now.


As a young girl, I grew up in a loving home. I was taught that I could be anything I wanted to be.


Here's the only problem: no one told me how much was required of us women! No one shared the truth that we can be anything we want to be, just NOT ALL AT ONCE.


As an overachiever who was not taught how to create healthy boundaries for myself, I was the world's greatest enabler. Anything to be approved of by others. I tried to be everything to everyone. And to do it all at the same time. Rarely, did I care for myself.


Maybe you can relate. You are not alone.


I've chosen the wrong major in college. Twice.

I've shifted gears in my career.

I've sacrificed my interests and professional goals to be a mom.

I've raised a family. And pets.

I've been disabled with illness. For months at a time. Over decades.

I've created new habits to remain well. And remain uncertain for my future.

I've raised children with anxiety and depression.

I've raised one child with autism. And another who was likely undiagnosed.

I've advocated for them. And for me.

I've managed a marriage throughout these years.

I've mismanaged relationships throughout them, too.

I've learned to set healthy boundaries.

I've realized what is within my control. And how to let go of what isn't.

I've seen friends come and go.

I've given myself permission to care for self.

I've continued to care for others.

I've buried my dad.

I've been caring for my aging, elderly mother. And grieving her eventual loss.

I've had to let go of my young adult children. Let them grow beyond my care.


Say good-bye.


I've questioned my purpose.

I've been alone. And misunderstood.

I've let go of messages which no longer serve me.

I've reinvented myself as an empty nester. (And, I'm still figuring it out).

I've embraced new ways of thinking. And eating. And living.

I've become a life coach to serve others to do the same -- to live their fullest purpose!

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